
High Impact Facilitation Training

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

My work in this field focuses on helping you to transform training programmes into high impact learning events and your trainers into high impact facilitators through the application of Accelerative Learning (AL).

AL is based on over fifty years of brain research, designed to enhance both the training design, delivery approach and the overall learning process.  When applied correctly, it has been proven to significantly increase learning effectiveness whilst saving time and money.

Based on the way that human beings naturally learn, AL taps into our innate potential for learning in a way that traditional learning methods cannot. It does this by fully involving the participant in their own learning experience using physical activity, creativity, colour, images, music and the whole training environment. 

Material Development

Training material development aims to review your existing training materials and re-designing it using the principles of Accelerative Learning.  The objective is to take a traditional training course and create a high impact training event that appeals to all learning styles, delivered in a high energy, engaging and collaborative training environment. 

A systematic process is used to re-design the course with the application of relevant multimedia, interactive activities and games, group discussion and total learning engagement techniques.  New materials including presentation material, facilitator guides, participant guides, posters and training aides are developed to enhance your overall training.

High Impact Facilitation Training

This two or three day ‘train the trainer’ course is designed to develop your facilitation skills by empowering you with the knowledge and confidence to design and deliver presentations and training using the principles of Accelerative Learning.  After actively participating in this training session, you will be able to:


The course provides a structured approach to the training, actively demonstrates how to create participation and feedback and uses a mixture of technical and practical exercises supported by visual aids and multimedia tools. Extensive teach-back sessions with respectful peer review and feedback are a fundamental aspect of the session.